Release Date: October 29, 2022
October Lane was originally set to be released in 2020. Due to worldly events, the album was put on the back burner. October Lane is a collection of songs written and performed over the last 24 years by Shane Johns Project. All together on one album, October Lane is a story about the tragic life and death of a fictional female. October Lane is written, recorded, and produced by: Shane Johns. Tiana Johns provided background vocals and
co-produced works. October Lane is set to be released on October 29, 2022 in Panama City Beach, Florida.
Shane Johns Project would like to take this time to say Thank You To: Tiana Johns, Alexandria Trail, Jonathan Johns, Rudy Van Rudegor, Nancy Johns and Family, Cindy Webb and Family, Donnie Palmer, Greg Martin, Walter Flowers,
Hector and Nikki Clas, Josh and Christina McVay, Chris Paralta and Nicole Malone, Charles Riley, Jasmine Phillips,
Lowell Hopper, Anna Pate, Brandi Felts, Brad and Mel Campbell, Karin Lynch, Hunter Smith, Al Mcconniel,
Jimmy and Jennifer Ogles, Chris Arndt, Crystal Garmon Johnson, Dean Fischer, Jake Davis, Clyde Davis,
Jim and Paula Davis, To the staff and Co-Workers at Austin Music Co. PCB ( Mike and Sunnie Austin, Seth Traylor, and Kim Miller)
To anyone not mentioned we say Thank You for All of Your Support! Without all of you this journey would not have came this far!
Shane Johns Project Is:
Shane Johns (Vocals, Guitar, All Works)
Tiana Johns (Vocals, Co- Producer)
Jake Davis (Drummer for Live Performances)